Welcome to answer.hows.tech! Here at the land of digital wisdom, we take privacy as seriously as we take our morning coffee. And let’s be real, that’s pretty darn serious. So, here’s the lowdown on what happens behind the digital curtains:

Your Data, Your Business
We know you’ve got secrets – maybe you’re learning to juggle flaming chainsaws or trying to figure out how to build a time machine. Whatever it is, we’re not here to spill the beans. Your data is sacred to us. We won’t peek, poke, or prod unless you give us a virtual high-five and say, “Let’s do this.”

Cookies… Not the Delicious Kind
Yep, we use cookies. But sorry to disappoint, they’re not the chocolate chip kind. These are the digital crumbs that help us understand how you use our site, so we can make it even better. Don’t worry; we’re not selling your cookie crumbs to the highest bidder. It’s just between us.

Third-Party Shenanigans
Sometimes we partner up with other cool cats to make your experience even more awesome. When that happens, they might peek at some of your info too. But fear not, we only hang out with the trustworthy ones. No shady characters allowed in our digital clubhouse.

Kids, Keep Out
Sorry kiddos, this clubhouse is for adults only. If you’re under 13, kindly scoot along and go play in the virtual sandbox somewhere else. Come back when you’re all grown up, and we’ll have a fresh batch of cookies waiting for you.

Updates and Shenanigans
Privacy policies can be about as exciting as watching paint dry. But hey, we promise to keep you in the loop if anything juicy happens. If we decide to switch things up, we’ll shoot you an email or send a carrier pigeon. Okay, maybe not a pigeon, but you get the idea.

So there you have it, our privacy policy in all its quirky glory. If you’ve got any burning questions or just wanna shoot the breeze, drop us a line. We’re all ears (metaphorically speaking, of course). Happy browsing!

Contact us at answers@hows.tech